
At the ANTA meeting yesterday, we accomplished two main things. The first was the server situation, where we decided that it would be better for the major armies to pick two servers and smaller armies to pick one instead of organizing all of the servers into nation-type alignment again. The other major accomplishment was the alliance established among the small armies. What will happen with this is the small armies will be joined together into groups. These groups will elect Senators which will then represent them in the Senate, which will be recognized by ANTA as an official army. This allows the smaller armies to be independent while still being part of ANTA.

In other news, I am going on vacation (again).  I will be away from Saturday, July 19th until Saturday, July 26th.  So I will not see you until I get back.

The last piece of good news is since Order 67 is officially over and the small army alliance has been recognized by ANTA, the ACP Ranks Database is available to be viewed once again.  Enjoy.


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